April 20, 2023
The Water Solutions Network has released their Visioning Document.
WSN Releases Watershed Framework
June 1, 2022
The Watershed Framework charts a collaborative cross-sector, watershed scale path toward climate resilience
Drought-Flood Press Note
While California is currently in the grips of a “megadrought,” it could soon experience an even more devastating “megaflood.” Good news is, there are projects underway that make California both flood and drought resilient.To learn more, check out the Press Note below that was prepared by the Water Hub and features WSN and our members’ work.
WSN Welcomes Our
5th Cohort
Please join us in welcoming our 5th Cohort. The Cohort met for the first time last week in Groveland, California.
May 2, 2022
Debbie Franco, debbie@watersolutionsnetwork.org
Water Solutions Network Launches 5th Cohort
Network promotes cross-sector collaboration among leaders focused on sustainable and equitable land and water stewardship
Groveland, Calif. -- The Water Solutions Network recently launched its fifth learning cohort, kicking off a collaborative learning experience for 27 diverse land and water stewards. Cohort members come from a wide variety of backgrounds in the public and private sectors, including nonprofit organizations, state and federal agencies, working lands, and Tribes. The Cohort will meet virtually and in-person over the next seven months and engage in capacity and relationship building to prepare them to take bold action to sustainably and equitably steward California’s natural resources and to meet the demands of climate change.
“Drought, fire, and floods add challenges to a water system already so stressed that it no longer reliably provides fundamental benefits to sustain all people and wildlife,” said Celeste Cantú, Chair of the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board and founding member of the Water Solutions Network. “Working harder within our legacy of siloed institutions will not meet the challenges of climate change, water impairments and ecological decline."
Cohort members will meet and develop a group project that allows them to practice the skills they are learning. Training will support cohort members as they connect resources and work across boundaries to improve land and water stewardship for California’s communities, environment, and economy.
“We are facing a climate catastrophe the magnitude of which is challenging every assumption we have made about how humans live on this planet,” said Debbie Franco, Managing Director of the Water Solutions Network. “WSN offers the space for cohort members to grapple with the challenges we are facing and to expand their thinking beyond the silos we live in today toward human systems that reflect our interdependence with each other and the natural systems that give us life.”
The Water Solutions Network is guided by its network members, a group of recognized water and policy leaders dedicated to strengthening the experience of network participants by serving as mentors and connecting participants with broader professional circles. The network is a venue where leaders from a variety of experiences and backgrounds come together to develop synergistic, resilient solutions to California's natural resource challenges. Water Solutions Network members are actively leveraging their expanding skills to promote cross-boundary collaboration.
For more information contact Water Solutions Network Managing Director Debbie Franco at debbie@watersolutionsnetwork.org or go to www.watersolutionsnetwork.org.

Coro Northern California Welcomes New Water Solutions Network Managing Director
Coro Northern California today announced that Debbie Franco is the inaugural Managing Director of the Water Solutions Network (WSN) program. The Water Solutions Network is a diverse, cross-sector collaboration of statewide leaders focused on the future of water management in California.

Water Solutions Network Names Inaugural Cohort
The Water Solutions Network announces its first cohort of leaders focused on cross-sector collaboration for California's water future. Timing is critical, because over the next ten years, California will make decisions that define our ability to manage water through extreme hydrological conditions. Now more than ever, the state needs leaders who can cross boundaries, connect resources, and choose bold action that serves California’s communities, farms, and nature. The 24 member cohort represents multiple sectors and communities across California and a variety of stakeholder groups in the water system, including farm bureaus, water districts, environmental advocacy nonprofits, and others.