Building a diverse network choosing bold action to sustainably and equitably steward California’s lands and waters.
Our Work
Watershed Solutions Network’s primary work is to build persistent relationships and networks among a diverse cross-section of leaders committed to expanding their individual and collaborative capacity to meet the demands of climate change and improve the health of California’s lands, waters, and communities.
Cohort Experience
The Network’s learning experience connects and supports individuals who value collaboration and bridging differences to ensure sustainable and equitable land and water stewardship in California. The cohort members engage in an intensive, six session leadership and network development program that culminates in a group project.
Network Development
Network members meet monthly in the Committee of the Whole to identify opportunities to enhance relationships, develop collaborative projects, and facilitate the health and growth of the Network.
Watershed Framework Discussion
Thanks to a grant from the Water Foundation, the Water Solutions Network convened a cross-sector group of statewide leaders to develop and align around an approach to watershed scale collaboration and action. The Watershed Framework is now available and we look forward to collaborating and partnering to take it for a “test drive”.
Special Events and Skill-building
WSN partners with others to develop and coordinate special events and training opportunities that build capacity and expand networks and relationships, particularly at regional and watershed scale. Check out our Forest Gatherings Program Page.